Dudley (KD0NMD) writes, “There is a small group of us with DStar capability that are “blowing the dust” off the repeaters in Omaha. The objective is to make the repeaters in Omaha [active again.] Currently the Omaha repeaters are available for use: 145.175 and 442.125. read more…
Dudley continues, ”
The 145.175 repeater is normally nailed up to the Reflector 001C which is busy with global QSO. The 70cm rig is open for pretty much anything but has a net programmed to come up on Sunday nights at 7pm.Please post on your SWIARC info pages that these two repeaters are back in activity. A limited number of operators have the ability to link and unlink thus the nailed up reflector. As we figure out the rules we will send an update.