The Saturday Noon Swap Net on .82 is perhaps the most popular net in town, begun over twenty (20) years ago on .94 by Pat KB0YEA and Bill KB0YOO. Items offered for sale are the priority traffic, but we discuss various subjects also with the result that the net often takes a full hour.
Swap Net in early April 2020 featured Ed NOLJD with a couple of radios from the KAOIJY estate (Keith IJY was the son of Ivan BXH and Lois SFB). Here’s the list:
YAESU FT-847 all band, all mode
This radio has four (4) connectors
on the back. HF, 6M, 2M, and 440
YAESU FT-800 matching p/s
ICOM IC-7000 all band, all mode
color display, incl box, mike, and manual
ICOM IC-756 Pro II
MFJ 259 analyzer
You can contact Ed at his call at ARL
That’s NOLJD at ARRL dot net

Used Radios
News / Sunday, April 12th, 2020