You had to stick around until nearly 12:30 to find out who won the main prize, a brand new ICOM 718 which went to Larry NOBKB of Greenfield IA. Matt KBOORN won the last of 3 Baofeng UV5R x3 H/Ts given away, the type that includes 220 besides 2M and 440.
Matt ORN with his new x3 Baofeng. That’s Rich and Jane Mehaffey beside Matt. Rich and Jane have been volunteering for the club forever and do a great job.
Rich KBOARZ and Jane KBOZUN.
Among items offered was this late model Kenwood 520 (plain 520 80 thru 10, then the S model with 160M added, and finally this one, 520SE with an AC only supply and no transverter plugs in back for the very rare 6M or 2M ten Watt SSB transverters) for a suggested $225. Looks like it comes with matching speaker.
What is a cavity (as used on a repeater)? Here’s a set of 3 for use on UHF. The ones for 2M are a little over 19 inches tall and usually travel in a company of four. New, they cost over a kilobuck.
Is this a joke? I’m not buying a ‘power supply kit’ with no instructions. That Tinker to Evers to Chance autographed beisbol has to be a fake. At least they didn’t use a ballpoint pen to imitate the signatures. Nice case though.
Didn’t get to ask the owner of this EIP freq counter his price. It’ll count to 18 Gigs. Do I have this right? 18,000,000,000 cycles per second? They were multi kilobuck items new.
New Ham Chris KFOFBL was looking for a suitable used HF radio and found it at North Bend, choosing to ignore Drake Twins, a Drake TR-4, and similar fare from old line manufacturers in favor of a nice looking Alinco DX77. The DX70 was a mini, made to compete with Kenwood’s TS50 mini HF, but the DX77 is more or less full size, 3 plus inches tall in a modest size cabinet with a Speaker On The Front Panel. That may make it seem more like a kitchen radio, but it does project the sound right into your face. Has an LCD, general cov’g receiver, and a couple memories. Chris negotiated the $350 asking to an easier to swallow figure. Now he needs a power supply. LATE NEWS – He ordered a 30A model and an MFJ Wattmeter.
ZQG had a sign on his table offering ‘FREE Calibration Test’ for your 2M H/T set to 146.52 Simplex. Not many people brought their H/Ts but here are the results from a few who did. NOTE: ZQG’s OptoElectronics freq counter is 20 years old, and was recently ‘calibrated’ by setting it to ‘520000’ on a new H/T, a method Not traceable to the NBS. However, you’ll note most radios tested in a narrow range with All in a couple hundred cycles of each other. (H/T brand names noted after the person’s name)
146.51993 KCOFAN Mike Baofeng 5R
146.52012 KDOPGV Wes Yaesu FT1B
146.52012 KDOFJR Bill Woxon K6
146.52013 KEOZIH Jeff Yaesu 1990
146.52014 WAOZQG Rich Baofeng x3
146.52016 WAOZQG Rich Yaesu VX-5

No. Bend 2021
News / Saturday, July 10th, 2021