Saturday 01.14.2023 there wasn’t anything for sale on the Saturday Noon Swap Net (on .82) but we did have a good discussion on WIRES-X, sunspots, John CMC going into the hospital, getting shocked on tube equipment, and putting a C4FM Beacon on 10M. Checking in were:
Rich WAOZQG 400 cycles AC feels different
Bill KDOFJR 7950 2M rig works now
Rick KAORLR Wires-X on .225, .050
JoDee KDORNC gud to hr everyone
Norm WAOJYD (209 spots, 170 SFI, 12, 0) CMC
John KOMXL Kenw 7950 (great 2M rig)
Nick KCOYKO fixed Bill’s 7950, 750V shock
Gerhard NZOB
Rob NOSNW had sent this msg about C4FM Beacons:
I recently discovered a feature on my (Yaesu) FT-991 that I didn’t know the radio could do. While doing some reading on the internet about C4FM and 10M, I discovered the radio has a C4FM beacon. It is activated by pressing the GM button. (The GM button appears on the LCD when you’re in C4FM mode.)
The beacon is a 1 second C4FM transmission. Then the radio listens for 14 seconds. Then it does the 1 second C4FM transmission again, then listens, and so on.
Some hams with a FT-991 tune to 29.250 MHz, press the GM button, and leave it there (so they know when the band opens).
I gave that a try yesterday afternoon (using 25w). Here are the results after 2 hours in GM mode: SEE PIC ABOVE
If you want to know more about this, go to YouTube and search: C4FM 10M. Several videos will appear on that subject.
73 de Rob
During the Saturday Net, Rich ZQG kept insisting it was twenty (28.350) EIGHT three fifty, but his memory circuits are tube type, 12AU7s, and some have failed. You don’t put a wideband FM signal in the middle of the most popular part of 10M SSB (open to Techs from 28.300 to 28.500! It’s 2wenty NINE .250
Also, John CMC is just going in for an outpatient deal on Tuesday. One of those ‘easy fix’ things doctors can do.

C4FM Beacon
News / Sunday, January 15th, 2023