Creston is almost a hundred miles East of here, but several people went there over the weekend 06.10.2023 and here are the few pics we got from them. Les WBOKFK (Kansas Farm Kid) brought his D&L Antenna wares and set up inside. Expand the pic. Check out those bags of vertical antennae.
Joel KOOQL (One Quart Low) set up at the outside tailgate Flea and sent back these pics.
The next one is July 8 in North Bend NE. It’s on North Main Street so you go through town until you see Main and turn right. No address needed. The town isn’t that big. Look for cars with callsign plates and antennas. See you there.
Oh, the main prize at North Bend is a Yaesu 891 HF and 6M rig.

Creston IA Rpt
News / Monday, June 12th, 2023