So who’s the tower guy? Is it Larry WOPYA with four (4) of them in his back yard? Or Don WOAF who helps old guys restore their antenna situation? Or maybe the guy who . . . (read to the end).
Shown above are three in PYA’s back yard and on the roof. (Note the single spire Hy-Gain Hy-Tower 5b HF in the first picture, the thing on the left.) Don WOAF is helping Larry get his fourth tower assembled and set up again. See below. What is all that stuff on it?
The Hy-Tower has a 56 ft single spire that handles 80M as a quarter wave (you need a decent ground, probably with wire radials under the grass). For 40M it’s also a quarter wave up to the top of the 3 tower sections. Expand this pic.
Hy-Gain (now owned by MFJ) Hy-Towers are favored for HF verticals. No traps means it handles full power. Those shiny things alongside the ‘tower’ sections, stubs they call them, make it resonant and give a good impedance at the bottom for the other bands.
Now here is a reeeal tower, 333 ft of it down South near Humboldt NE. You’ll notice the microwave Horn Antennae at the top, at one time used to relay microwave telephone signals in and out of Omaha. Dan KBOTDW and a couple friends are going there for Field Day 2023. Use it for skyhooks on their dipoles and the included propane powered generator to run Class A Field Day this year.
This is what it looks like from 333′ up.
Looking the other way:

Tower Guy
News / Thursday, June 15th, 2023