In case you missed the October program at the Omaha club meeting put on by Joe KONEB on Pirate radio and other oddities on HF (there were only 20 guys who showed up) here’s a great site for such info suggested by SWIARC member Rob NOSNW:
Joe NEB has been doing a program on this subject for years, even back when he was WAOWRI (he’s getting older). Interesting subject. People get an urge to go on the radio (without getting licensed) and it’s fun and easy – until the Feds show up which in at least one case happened While They Were On The Air transmitting illegally. Ask Joe for details. Hint: Site was a gas station bathroom up north somewhere. Minnesota?
Above is the menu of items covered on the HFunderground site.
Note: The top pic is a joke. Yes, 6.925 is a good freq to listen, but on that radio? Nott.
Note2: Try 6925 plus or minus 50 kc, and maybe even the old popular freqs above 40M, say around 7410. At dinnertime. 6 to 10 in the evening. In the days before and definitely on Halloween.

HF Pirates
News / Tuesday, October 24th, 2023