The new guy won the radio. Dell KFONSP got the FTM-500. It was a great show, nice weather, with 105 guys signing in, maybe a few more who didn’t wait and brushed past the sign-in sheet. Joel KEOQGD ran the coffee shop (taking ‘donations’ rather than fixed prices), and allll tables sold, even the one guy who didn’t show up (from Sioux City) had a taker later in the morning.
There were two Kenwood 520 five band HF transceivers for sale, this original 520 from the mid 1970s at $200 and something with the black transistor module on the back so it will run on 12V, and the years later 520SE that ran 6 bands including 160M. See below.
You really should have been there to see it, many newer radios plus some fancy test equipment, Spectrum Analyzer (the multi kilobuck kind) and a Service Monitor (synthesized signal generator with scope and deviation monitor).
Les WBOKFK (Kansas Farm Kid) really makes the show with all his parts, connectors, antennas, and accessories. He is helping Norm WAOJYD in this picture.
That’s Dell NSP with his new radio. It’s kind of little for $500 bucks.

McClelland 2024
News / Saturday, March 2nd, 2024