The SWIARC 2018 Hamfest was a Big Success!

Somewhat over 97 people attended McClelland Hamfest, perhaps a few more who didn’t
bother signing in. Les WB0KFK of D&L Antenna showed up from KCMO to offer assorted
wares, and Greg’s wife Rhonda W0RJR along with Rich’s XYL Patsy N1CE staffed the
kitchen area. At the end (shortly after 11 AM, SWIARC member Ron N0QET won the
30 Amp MFJ switching power supply billed as first prize. Other winners included:
MFJ WWV Clock #136 Art KB0UWR
MFJ WWV Clock #136 KD0QFE
Transistor tester kit Craig KD0YTI
Transistor tester kit KE0NWS
MFJ 108B LCD dual clock Carl KG0SY
big Survival Knife Steve WB0VNF
ARL $50 certificate Rob N0SNW
Harbor Freight sawsall Tim KC0HWG
$20 Flea Bux certs:
Dennis WA0VJM brought along a signal generator and oscilloscope made from kits
you can buy on E-Bay for around $20 each. The sig gen puts out sine, square,
and sine waves up to 1 Mc plus, and the ‘scope’ (the size of a deck of cards)
displays freqs to 200 kc.

and Signal Generator