Lake Manawa POTA – Sunday

Events / Tuesday, October 30th, 2018

From 10:00am to 5:00pm at the Lake Manawa State Park Craig W0NEU and participating ham operators will be activating the site for POTA Amateur Radio.  This is the second tailgate radio event Craig has planned for SWIARC.  Planning generally occurs on the Tuesday 8PM Net.

Parks on the Air (POTA) was founded Sept. 15, 2010, to encourage amateur radio operators who enjoy the outdoors to blend their interests by operating from municipal, county, state, provincial, and national parks around the world.

  • A minimum of five contacts on any amateur radio band, using any mode (if using FM on VHF or UHF, simplex only).
  • Use any power level allowed within the terms of your license.
  • Contacts can be made over several visits to a park, although experience shows that you often can make enough contacts between lunch and dinner to meet the five-contact minimum.

Join SWIARC members on Sunday, November 4 at the Lake Manawa State Park at the West end near the restrooms.   The event starts at 10am.  Coffee and hotdogs.  Bring your radio equipment if you can.  Operate on HF and VHF simplex.

FOR MORE DETAILS call for CRAIG W0NEU on the 146.82 SWIARC Repeater or listen to the Tuesday 8:00pm net and the Wednesday 8:00pm net both on the same repeater.