Travel Prep

News / Wednesday, September 21st, 2022

I think George KDONME (SK) would probably approve of this. He was a great Prepper. Suppose you’re on vacation and that Most Likely mini disaster occurs – the Lights Go Out. You’ve rented a boat and been out fishing, returning to find the power off – no lights, no air conditioning, no phone service for a few minutes (until their backup generators come on), and later on doing a reconnoiter drive around town finding out the gas stations are out of power too.
Gee, this is what it must have been like in the old days, before TV, before cars, when you had to cook for yourself (after you find out restaurants are closed because they’re out of power too). This could get serious.
But being a prepper, you’ve come prepared. First of all, turn off your cell phone except for once every six hours to check EMails and messages. Then, using the flashlight on your phone, check the house and go to bed thinking the power will come back on the next morning. Except it doesn’t.

So how do you charge your phone after a couple of days without power? Simple. You buy one of these external Lithium batteries that come with a solar panel and flashlight for under twenty ($20) bucks. Also, with everyone else on the street depending on You for information (because their phones are dead) you organize a little dinner get-together on the 3rd day after they’ve all cleaned out their freezers of the good stuff. Some have a half loaf of bread and you still have those fish you caught, on ice until it all melted. Loaves and fishes fried over a fire built from fallen palm fronds will feed the multitude. The power will come back on eventually.