Voltage Divider


Both Bill and Bob had tree damage last night, 07.11, and both pretty much cleaned up their yards before beginning to cut away tree limbs that were still hanging. Bill used an aluminum ladder and long fiberglass tree saw pole to cut away damaged limbs, and then went over to Bob’s house to help. This […]

July 12, 2023

Mtg Highlights


At the May meeting, 2 days before Field Day, Greg NOGR gave a demo of the Yaesu WIRES X system. On the table is a Yaesu radio, power supply, mag mount antenna, and Greg’s laptop computer. In PDN mode (Portable Digital Node mode) the radio does NOT transmit even though you’re pushing the PTT. It […]

June 23, 2023

Tower Guy


So who’s the tower guy? Is it Larry WOPYA with four (4) of them in his back yard? Or Don WOAF who helps old guys restore their antenna situation? Or maybe the guy who . . . (read to the end). . Shown above are three in PYA’s back yard and on the roof. (Note […]

June 15, 2023

Creston IA Rpt


Creston is almost a hundred miles East of here, but several people went there over the weekend 06.10.2023 and here are the few pics we got from them. Les WBOKFK (Kansas Farm Kid) brought his D&L Antenna wares and set up inside. Expand the pic. Check out those bags of vertical antennae. . . Joel […]

June 12, 2023

FDay Generator


You’ve probably heard the guy who said he’d bring his generator to Field Day and then at the last moment reported, ‘It won’t start.’ Likely either he left the gas in there too long and it fouled the carburetor or it’s an old one used for many years and the spark plug is dirty. Oil […]

June 6, 2023

2nd Sat at Manawa


This year we’re just doing it once a month, second Saturday from 9 – 11 AM on the North side of Lake Manawa (500 yards So. of the Casey’s gas station on Hwy 92). Saturday in May we had: Keith KEOAEP and his IC-7300 Don WOAF Ron KRON Wayne KNOWDJ Craig KDOYTI and his blue […]

May 14, 2023

SWI Fest 2023


Going East from I-80 exit 8 about five miles you get to a sign ‘McClelland 4’ (left – North) and at about 3 of the 4 come across the SCOLA receiving site and all these satellite dishes. Two more left turns takes you to the quonset hut Town Hall and the big show first Saturday […]

March 4, 2023

C4FM Beacon


Saturday 01.14.2023 there wasn’t anything for sale on the Saturday Noon Swap Net (on .82) but we did have a good discussion on WIRES-X, sunspots, John CMC going into the hospital, getting shocked on tube equipment, and putting a C4FM Beacon on 10M. Checking in were: . Rich WAOZQG 400 cycles AC feels different Bill […]

January 15, 2023

Calibration Night


There weren’t a whole lot of participants in Meter Calibration night, but a couple were interesting. Joel KEOQGD from W. Omaha brought his genuine SIMPSON 260 VOM, and measured all the exhibits starting with 120 VAC (digitally determined to be 124 and a few tenths). Joel’s Simpson meter (after determining you had to look at […]

January 11, 2023

Xmas Dinner Rpt.


Our Christmas meeting/dinner at INTERNATIONAL BUFFET, at 48th and L St in Omaha, was attended by a dozen of us (including 3 XYLs). Here’s the list: . Derek TYG and Isacc NOTYET Bill KDOFJR Rick KFOIQL and Cathy Joel KDOQGD and Bonnie Rick KAORLR Art KBOUWR Don WBOVGB Rich WAOZQG and Patsy . Beside the […]

December 18, 2022