Analyzing the Club Spectrum

Events / Sunday, April 30th, 2017


This April the SWIARC club meeting was preceded by a smashingly large dinner gathering at the China Buffet and was succeeded by demonstration of a valuable piece of radio lab equipment, the spectrum analyzer.

During the Meeting held at 7:00pm on April 27, 2017 all club members voted in favor of starting the research process leading to the acquisition of a new amplifier for our VHF repeater at 146.820 MHz. Apparently, the old repeater doesn’t have the kick it used to. The only club member in opposition to the referendum was Norm, WA0JYD, voting “no” as the result of his fear that excessive RF power might endanger birds passing by the repeater tower.

China Buffet @ 1702 W Broadway (the meeting before the meeting 5pm-6:30pm)
China Buffet @ 1702 W Broadway (the meeting before the meeting 5pm-6:30pm)


During the meeting I was told that we voted on important stuff.
During the meeting I was told that we voted on important stuff.


The club is growing with new, paying members. Welcome K5LRO.
The club is growing with new, paying members. Please welcome K5LRO.


John "QKH" is tuning in WOWT Channel 6 for us.
John “QKH” is tuning in WOWT Channel 6 for us.


He found it. Look, there's Rusty Lord with the weather!
He found it. Look, there’s Rusty Lord with the weather!


Derek Winterstien, W0DBW conducted a presentation on the Spectrum Analyzer. John Tomaszkiewicz KB0QKH of WOWT owns a similar model of spectrum analyzer and shared with us some information about the unit’s capabilities.   

The demonstration included an example of an amplitude modulated carrier as well as frequency modulated from sources such as an amateur radio handy talkie, a FRS radio, and an old Part 15 / 49MHz children’s walkie talkie.  We also took a look at what Yaesu System Fusion looks like on the spectrum analyzer.  It looked like someone was screaming into the transmitter!

Spurious emissions detection from within the building was possible.  Locating broadcast transmissions was also very interesting.  John tuned in WOWT channel 6.

Ref: Tektronix 495p spectrum analyzer 

See it at the Heartland Hams hamfest this week!