CoBlfs Flea Mkt

News / Monday, March 1st, 2021

Joel KOOQL was first to arrive at the March 20th mini Flea Market in Council Bluffs, bringing with him a long table and twice enough stuff to fill it. That’s his 2M SSB rig in the picture, offered at $150. In the past we’ve had 20 – 30 Hams show up, this time a couple short of 20 with Larry NOBKB and Matt NOGIK probably getting the award for coming the greatest distance although Steve NOORU brought all his stuff on another full size table from Anita IA out at MM 70, halfway to Des Moines.

Steve ORU was also the one who donated the BAOFENG UV6 door prize which went to Rick KAORLR. (Most of these mentioned are SWIARC members.) Steve brought along this miniature Spectrum Analyzer, in this pic set up to show the FM broadcast band. It’s available from R & L Electronics for something like fifty ($55) five bucks.
The club (SWIARC Inc.) made forty ($44) four bucks from the Door Prizes plus one renewing member, Dennis WAOVJL. Second prize, a fancy knife with decorated scabbard, went to Dennis. (He bought the five ticket limit.)
It was like this:
No guaranty was offered by the Host
Only Hams and friends could attend
Multiplicity of items offered
All equipment not necessarily Amateur related
Some items were marked ‘free’ in small letters
Keeping hands in pockets wasn’t necessary. Wasn’t cold.
Returns are generally not accepted
Everyone respected the facilities
Questions go to ZQG at Hotmail
Here are the internals of the MEG-1 (Midnight Engineering Group) RTTY T/U that didn’t sell. Notice the bright red 88 mh coils on one circuit board. It was being offered for $12 as a project box – stainless steel front panel with a lot of good parts including 6 bat handle switches and a meter.

Steve ORU had a Kenwood 440 HF rig for $250, a 1990s rig with a hundred memories and rated KEY DOWN for an hour. Look.

The talk in station was a dual band 10W Jetstream 270, offered at $59 without the battery it was running on. Not the best deal. Right next to it on ORUs table was a 25 Watt Quad Band Chinese rig for $45. Notice the four dollar voltage monitor on the battery.

There were a couple of items not directly related to Amateur Radio.