Great Outdoors


This year is shaping up to be a banner year at SWIARC as we take on the great outdoors and as always, play lots of radio.   It’s time to sign up as a SWIARC Member and join in the fun.  SWIARC club dues are $15/year. (Dues for students are half price, $7.50 per year).   Additional […]

March 24, 2019



Received a letter of thanks today from the commander at Offutt AFB, Colonel Michael H. Manion. It is events like this that SWIARC is able to promote Amateur Radio and Science Math and Technology. Looking to the future SWIARC now has the leadership to take us forward in a positive way and showcase everything Amateur […]

October 11, 2018

Cuban Spy #s Active on 11435kHz


USB or AM listen on 11435khz for the mysterious Spy Numbers from Cuba. Transmissions this morning remain active at 10:10am. Why is Cuba still using cold war era spy numbers stations and what is today’s secret message?

November 16, 2017

Irma, Learning Experience and update!


Hey all howdy from sunny Florida.  They said it would be nice and relaxing down here – so much for that.  Thanks all for the prayers and thoughts – Ken AA0UU gave me a shout on IRLP today and passed well wishes along.  Hams are supporting the local shelters. In our town the club listens […]

September 9, 2017

Tropospheric Ducting

News, SWIARC University

Jake (ke0nkc) in South Dakota was one of several distant hams on the SWIARC 82 repeater Saturday night (7/22/17) talking with Albert (ke0lol) and some other locals. They were also making the trip from northern and eastern Iowa to north Nebraska.  Stations 200 miles away were talking on the club repeater, some full quieting.

July 24, 2017

Field Day in McClelland


SWIARC met in McClelland Iowa for Field Day 2017. We’ve put together a collage from photographs for you to enjoy while we await the official results. Everyone enjoyed the good weather and lunch was served with those much awaited Omaha Steaks.

July 15, 2017

Clean Bill of Health


Saturday morning (5/13) the SWIARC repeater was under the medical scrutiny of engineer John KB0QKH and trustee Greg N0GR. The examination included a sweep of the antenna, feed line, and duplexer. With the microscope applied, what did the doctors discover?

May 15, 2017

Electric Avenue


As May opened with a crack and a bang, we were reminded to unplug and disconnect this morning. Around 3:00am was round one and shortly before 6:00am round two. Do you disconnect, or rely on lighting arresters?

May 10, 2017