Clean Bill of Health


Saturday morning (5/13) the SWIARC repeater was under the medical scrutiny of engineer John KB0QKH and trustee Greg N0GR. The examination included a sweep of the antenna, feed line, and duplexer. With the microscope applied, what did the doctors discover?

May 15, 2017

Electric Avenue


As May opened with a crack and a bang, we were reminded to unplug and disconnect this morning. Around 3:00am was round one and shortly before 6:00am round two. Do you disconnect, or rely on lighting arresters?

May 10, 2017

Boy Scouts on 7.190 MHz


Last Saturday (5/6) while the SWIARC crew were at Waubonsie there was another radio field event happening. On 7.190 MHz (Radio Scout Frequency) AJ0R and the boy scouts operated ham radio from Lake Wanahoo (near Wahoo, 35 mi west of Bellevue).

May 6, 2017

Analyzing the Club Spectrum


This April the SWIARC club meeting was preceded by a smashingly large dinner gathering at the China Buffet and was succeeded by demonstration of a valuable piece of radio lab equipment, the spectrum analyzer.

April 30, 2017

Boat Anchors and Gems


Among the vintage classics at the Lincoln Hamfest / State Convention was this beautiful Hy-Gain 3750 HF transceiver acquired by Greg N0GR. Originally in the U.S. market this radio was sold as the National RJX-1011D and some identical units were even labeled Panasonic!   See pictures from the Lincoln Hamfest and more on this mysterious […]

March 16, 2017

Thinking Day on the Air


February 18 was Girl Scouts of America Thinking Day on the Air. In this event scouts can earn their radio merit badge. Here Dudley has organized a station in Bellevue that you can see in photos attached to this story. Amateur radio gear is used to allow these young ladies to get on the air. […]

February 26, 2017

2M SSB Instagram

Net News

It’s not Instagram, it’s something better.  Pictures from the shacks of those participating in the new and popular 2M SSB Net held every Sunday.   In his story, 2M SSB Sunday 8PM, Rich discusses the origin of the net, where it’s at, and who has been checking in.  Now you can see how they’re checking in, because […]

February 16, 2017

Electronic Builder’s Toolkit by Russ AD0QH

SWIARC University

Kit building has become very popular among local hams. Our club President, Russ, has provided us with a follow-up shopping list of supplies the kit builder will surely need as illustrated during his presentation at the January club meeting. Whether you made the meeting or not, you will undoubtedly find his Amazon shopping list useful. […]

February 2, 2017

Transceiver Coaxial Cable Selector Switch

SWIARC University

If you are going to connect two or more transceivers to a single antenna using an antenna selector switch, be warned, you need to consider how much RF you are dumping into the unused transceiver. There are antenna selector switches that cannot be safely used as a transceiver selector switch. Never assume you can use […]

December 17, 2016

Kit Built mini Power Supply

SWIARC University

Mike KC0FAN, Football At Nebraska, went to the Heartland Hams sponsored Kit Building program in Glenwood IA recently, and has now built this cute little variable power supply. It’s only eighteen bucks on Amazon, and comes complete with a transparent plastic case to keep your fingers from contacting the 120VAC. He says: . It was […]

November 28, 2016