Local Class Helps Folks Become a Ham


Leonard (KD0QFE) writes, “Our Technician License Class is starting October 7th, 2017. It will run over three Saturdays; October 7th, 14th & 28th from 8:30am to 4:30pm. All three sessions will be held in a conference room at Bellevue Medical Center, located at 25th street & Highway 370.”

October 3, 2017

Radio Camp Wa-kon-da


Saturday (9/23) SWIARC regulars took time to chat with kids calling from Camp Wakonda as part of a Radio Scouting event.  Dudley, KDØNMD offers his thanks to those operators as well as the SWIARC club for the use of the repeater.  HF contacts were also made including a 15-year old girl with Voice of America.

September 23, 2017

Irma, Learning Experience and update!


Hey all howdy from sunny Florida.  They said it would be nice and relaxing down here – so much for that.  Thanks all for the prayers and thoughts – Ken AA0UU gave me a shout on IRLP today and passed well wishes along.  Hams are supporting the local shelters. In our town the club listens […]

September 9, 2017

Coronal Mass Ejection

Radio Conditions

Due to a solar storm you may be able to see the Aurora Borealis tonight from your backyard in Council Bluffs IA. This morning there were two solar flares, the second being the most powerful in over a decade. The flares caused radio blackouts, and some transpolar flights were diverted for safety reasons.

September 7, 2017

Fuzzy’s Eclipse


George KD0NME, the club astronomer writes, “JoDee and I started for Casper, WY, but the Wx forecast changed and we decided on the centerline north of North Platte. We had thin clouds at 1st contact but they slowly dissipated before 2d contact and allowed us full visibility of the outer solar corona in our scopes.”

August 23, 2017

Your Eclipse Experience


Pictures, video, and written accounts of your field experience on eclipse day will be collected and shared here on the Southwest Iowa Amateur Radio club web site.  Did you work any HF stations?  Did you make any VHF simplex contacts?  Did you see totality or just cloudy?  Email us your full report for the web […]

August 22, 2017

Summer VHF Explosions

Radio Conditions

Dave N0MUA in Coffeyville Kansas said hello to Norm WA0JYD and Tom K0TIK on 146.94 Saturday 8/19/17 at 10:30am. Dave was keying up the Aksarben repeater in Omaha, and the Grand Island repeater along with a number of other repeaters he mentioned. Traffic on 146.52 simplex offered up a number of long distance VHF contacts.

August 19, 2017

System Fusion Tech Net

Net News

Rob (N0SNW) writes, “Mondays at 7:30 pm central time, the C4FM Fusion Technical net in the Wires-X room: MNWIS-FUSION. […] As long as the 442.225 repeater is connected to the Wires-X network, you can listen to (and talk) on both nets.”

August 1, 2017

Tropospheric Ducting

News, SWIARC University

Jake (ke0nkc) in South Dakota was one of several distant hams on the SWIARC 82 repeater Saturday night (7/22/17) talking with Albert (ke0lol) and some other locals. They were also making the trip from northern and eastern Iowa to north Nebraska.  Stations 200 miles away were talking on the club repeater, some full quieting.

July 24, 2017

Field Day in McClelland


SWIARC met in McClelland Iowa for Field Day 2017. We’ve put together a collage from photographs for you to enjoy while we await the official results. Everyone enjoyed the good weather and lunch was served with those much awaited Omaha Steaks.

July 15, 2017